Sunday 25 May 2014

Feathered Friends

One of the "gifts" of Living here in our Rural, lakeside paradise is our many daily Bird Visitors.  We are treated to spectacular Courting ceremonies, Nest Building displays ,we  watch them feeding their Young, and observe the  bird world rivalry and territorial behaviour :)
We are audience to the most spectacular Concerts of Birdsong
They are peaceful Companions and never fail to remind us of our connection to nature.
Truly a Gift from God. What better sight and Sound than the Skylark high above just a speck in the sky sending out a continuous stream of notes or the Tui singing his melodious song high in the Pine Tree. The Heron flies in with his Loud warning screech and the warbling of the magpies always delights us. We have Resident families of Pukeko our strange Dr, Seuss like Birds, running on their gangly red Legs. fleet of foot but clumsy flyers. The Strutting Beauty of the Cock pheasant running past my Office window his Glorious plumage richly coloured is always thrilling. We are never bored .
We are truly blessed.