Tuesday 27 May 2014

Natures Artworks

We left early this morning for an appointment. It was 2 degrees, cold for Northland. The Lake was like a Mirror as we drove beside it, the ducks and swans leaving V-shaped wakes as they drifted peacefully. We turned onto the main Road and looking back, the Lake was wreathed in Mist it was a surreal sight, blue sky, lots of Autumn colour and just this blob of mist like a grounded cloud, green hills rising all round. The Lower parts of the road verges were glistening with a dusting of frost,  the cows clustered in the sunny sheltered areas of  paddock blowing steamy breath from their Nostrils like small dragons.
Home again I stood at the clothes line breathing in the crisp air and feeling at peace. I was surrounded by fluttering chattering fan tails and swooping welcome swallows, an Arrow of Canadian geese flew over honking and landed Noisily in the Lake , otherwise it was so quiet I could hear the cows munching the grass.
A giant cobweb stretched between the Branches of the "Athol" tree has diamonds of dew sparkling on its silken threads.... such a work of art. The Tees have few leaves clinging now and the beauty of the bark and branches is revealed, more of Natures artwork.
My beloved has split more Logs and stacked them in the Bodgers Hovel and i can see him now stooped in the Garden preparing new lawn areas for seeding, happy as a sand Boy is Sean when outdoors.
To a Lot of folk my Life would be boring but I feel blessed. We have travelled to far off places and will again ,but its here in Godzone that we are rooted, this land of peace and plenty.


Monday 26 May 2014

Crisp Apple Mornings

Good Morning Friends. 5 degrees this Morning quite a shock to us Northlanders :) What a deliciously crisp apple type morning. The Sunrise was delicate Monet hues and the lake gave us a double helping of the delicate, pinks, apricots, and lemon, now its as Blue as the cloudless sky.
My favourite Winters day is the 22nd of June when the Sun  stops retreating and the winter solstice brings us the shortest day, all down hill to spring from there on. Being a Lover of warmth and long Summer days I must work hard to find the pleasures of winter.  Its spooning weather :) and lazy days in front of the fire but its also bracing oneself to face the prospect of cutting lawns and keeping the place tidy all rugged up against the Westerly.
We have just harvested two enormous Bowls of Sweet, pipless Mandarins, normally we would pick from the tree as required but pesky Mr. Opossum has been helping himself, Sean found the evidence yesterday, they peel them and leave the skin under the tree. The Kitchen is fragrant now with Lovely citrus scents, we have lemons and Limes too. The lawn is scattered here and there with tiny button Mushrooms and Mr. Heron has just heralded his morning visit with a loud screech, his companions this morning, our pair of resident Paradise Ducks and a couple of spur winged Plover.  They maintain a respectable distance from each other but wander around most the of day quite happily sharing their space.. Mr. Heron spends a lot of time catching insects from our Lily pond.
This Morning as I opened the garage door to let the Sun pour in i heard a panicked beating of wings and saw a Spirit Bird, the beautiful Kingfisher, beating his wings furiously trying to get out the closed window. I shouted for my Beloved and he managed to catch the poor frightened fellow. His little heart was hammering. Sean held him until he calmed and then released him into the golden Morning, I felt his Joy. He is perched on the trailer now none the worse for his ordeal.
Dear Friends enjoy every minute of the day ahead.
Love and Light.

Mr. Heron. Master of all he surveys

Sunday 25 May 2014

Feathered Friends

One of the "gifts" of Living here in our Rural, lakeside paradise is our many daily Bird Visitors.  We are treated to spectacular Courting ceremonies, Nest Building displays ,we  watch them feeding their Young, and observe the  bird world rivalry and territorial behaviour :)
We are audience to the most spectacular Concerts of Birdsong
They are peaceful Companions and never fail to remind us of our connection to nature.
Truly a Gift from God. What better sight and Sound than the Skylark high above just a speck in the sky sending out a continuous stream of notes or the Tui singing his melodious song high in the Pine Tree. The Heron flies in with his Loud warning screech and the warbling of the magpies always delights us. We have Resident families of Pukeko our strange Dr, Seuss like Birds, running on their gangly red Legs. fleet of foot but clumsy flyers. The Strutting Beauty of the Cock pheasant running past my Office window his Glorious plumage richly coloured is always thrilling. We are never bored .
We are truly blessed.

Seasonal Ramblings

Glorious Morning here my Friends........... I was lucky enough to rise at just the right time to see Venus near the waning Crescent Moon in the Eastern sky about an hour before sunrise. What an uplifting Sight.
 Lots of movement here again this morning with the Brisk South/westerly,and all is bathed in Golden Light.
Winter is beginning to show itself in the Bones of the Garden revealed as the Trees shed their Autumn Finery.
The skeleton Trees have their own beauty etched against the sky stark, but lovely.
My Beloved has been busy in the bodgers Hovel stacking sweet smelling Pine logs oozing fragrant Gum, which he is chopping in case we have a cold snap.
 He has been doing his mad Irishman act again this morning :) Running past my window in his best Richard Harris Impression, flapping his arms and shouting  (He looks as if he may take off at any minute in this wind and fly over the hills like Mary Poppins :) ) The objects of his wrath, the Cows in the Next door paddock heads stretched over our fence placidly enjoying a breakfast of Sean's Prized native Renga Renga lillies.
They look at him in amazement kick up their heels and jump back`a`step or two only to return as Soon as Sean is indoors :)
Mans war against Beast.... I tell him they don't eat my plants because I don't eat them, perhaps he should afford them the same respect :)
Sending you all Blessings, Love and Light my Friends.

Saturday 24 May 2014

The Quiet Mind

Don't worry friends and don't hurry we are here for such a short visit be sure to pause throughout the day and listen to the stillness, the quiet mind is our greatest Gift.
In the minds stillness we can gather ourselves  into our selves again, we can gather our broken bits and make them whole, only we an do that.
Watch the shifting picture of people rushing to and fro not living in the present always striving, pushing, getting..........To late when our visit here is over to regret the time not spent noticing all our small but magic blessings.
Take your cup of tea (Or glass of wine) sit in the Arbour listen to the sounds of nature, smell the gardens fragrance..... sip and watch and Listen be still feel Your God close to you.

Melancholy Morning

This Morning Pukekororo (the Hill of the Seabird) is wearing an Isadora Duncan scarf of pink tinged Misty cloud, constantly drifting changing shape. Its Raining, much needed never welcomed by me, I'm a Sunshine Girl. The Garden dry and Drought cracked is sucking it up I hear the Earth gulping. The Birds are Loving it the sweetness of their song a delight to my senses. They perch all around fluffing their feathers letting the dust of the long dry Summer wash away. The Loud cheeky magpie adds his Quardle ardle doodle to the Chorus. The Breeze blowing in my window carries the fragrance of the Lake and wet Earth and I hear the Black swans hugely flapping their wings.

Days of late Autumn sunshine can be sad hanging on as we are to the gift of Summer ,When it is misty, and drizzly and I stand at my winter breathing in the freshness, it seems to me that the rain is falling through my heart finding echoes of melancholy. I tell myself to 'snap out of it' 'not to wallow':) and my mood changes I listen to the drip , drip and see the raindrops hanging from the plants outside my Window I see the patches of bright sky growing bigger, Rain after all like Melancholy Passes .....we need the Grey days to truly appreciate the Golden ones.
Time to grab my cheery red umbrella and My Love and I will go for a stroll. Love Nourishes the Soul, Rain Nourishes the soil we can live without neither. :)

Friday 23 May 2014

Fanciful Musings by Judy Pudy

May mornings. Delicious Autumn........ Sunshine, Crisp Air, grass littered with Golden, Russet and scarlet wind tossed leaves. Gusty warm Autumn winds bending and swaying the trees, chasing Clouds and Birds across the sky.Creating wavelets on the lake. All Is Movement, all is Sound. Birdsong, The shushing of the lake the Rattle of the Blade like Leaves of the cabbage tree and the rustle of Drying Autumn Leaves.The deep sonorous notes of the Wind chimes hanging in our Trees....... The songs of Autumn.
Beautiful Autumn the slow season, time for cutting and stacking wood in preparation for long Winter evenings in front of the Fire with a Good Book. A time of reflection on Long lazy Summer days just past, we cling to these remnants of Summer and are blessed here in Northland with Long Indian Summers.
Venus has moved further to the East in our Morning sky and greets me each morning as I raise my Blind.
The Lawn greening after the Summer drought mocks me with its extreme growth, I fancy I hear the rustle of it growing as I lay in bed at Night :) Many Hours of lawn mowing lie ahead
I am thankful for each precious Breath we draw.
Namaste my Friends.