Monday 26 May 2014

Crisp Apple Mornings

Good Morning Friends. 5 degrees this Morning quite a shock to us Northlanders :) What a deliciously crisp apple type morning. The Sunrise was delicate Monet hues and the lake gave us a double helping of the delicate, pinks, apricots, and lemon, now its as Blue as the cloudless sky.
My favourite Winters day is the 22nd of June when the Sun  stops retreating and the winter solstice brings us the shortest day, all down hill to spring from there on. Being a Lover of warmth and long Summer days I must work hard to find the pleasures of winter.  Its spooning weather :) and lazy days in front of the fire but its also bracing oneself to face the prospect of cutting lawns and keeping the place tidy all rugged up against the Westerly.
We have just harvested two enormous Bowls of Sweet, pipless Mandarins, normally we would pick from the tree as required but pesky Mr. Opossum has been helping himself, Sean found the evidence yesterday, they peel them and leave the skin under the tree. The Kitchen is fragrant now with Lovely citrus scents, we have lemons and Limes too. The lawn is scattered here and there with tiny button Mushrooms and Mr. Heron has just heralded his morning visit with a loud screech, his companions this morning, our pair of resident Paradise Ducks and a couple of spur winged Plover.  They maintain a respectable distance from each other but wander around most the of day quite happily sharing their space.. Mr. Heron spends a lot of time catching insects from our Lily pond.
This Morning as I opened the garage door to let the Sun pour in i heard a panicked beating of wings and saw a Spirit Bird, the beautiful Kingfisher, beating his wings furiously trying to get out the closed window. I shouted for my Beloved and he managed to catch the poor frightened fellow. His little heart was hammering. Sean held him until he calmed and then released him into the golden Morning, I felt his Joy. He is perched on the trailer now none the worse for his ordeal.
Dear Friends enjoy every minute of the day ahead.
Love and Light.

Mr. Heron. Master of all he surveys


  1. this is where you leave a comment Linda :)

  2. Everything is so beautiful Jude, even your words. So beautiful and descriptive. Wish I could write like you. I'm envious. Your words and your place literally makes mg heart pine for your lovely Godzone. What a beautiful little bird and what a joy it would be to hold one. <3
