Saturday 14 June 2014

Cloud Stories

As I trundled around on our ancient lawn mower yesterday, I indulged myself in a favourite pastime, Cloud watching, I love clouds and don't mind who knows :) Yesterdays sky was a Constable sky, now I am no lover of Constables Art it's too 'Chocolate box' for me but if Monet (one of my favourite Artists) is "The painter of light" then Constable is 'The painter of Clouds' The sky was immense and azure, that intense purple blue, the clouds were mainly towering Cumulus with here and there some lazy wisps of Cirrus like little curls of hair. I was doing a lot of thinking as one does when doing mundane tasks, and watching the clouds,I always find getting lost in cloud gazing a form of meditation and immensely soothing. I suddenly had the fanciful thought that clouds exist as reminders of my philosophies of life. Clouds constantly changing and full of pictures remind me that the only constant is change and that each day is full of infinite possibilities due to change if we just have the courage to embrace the Changes. Clouds much like life have differing moods, Cumulus Towers white and abundant always lift my spirits, Nimbus rain bearing and threatening possible storms,Cirrus wispy and dreamlike and so on. A cloudless sky to me is boring as might life be were there no bumps in our journey.So when you next look at the clouds and watch their ever changing shapes remember nothing is permanent, if things are not going well "This too will pass" We come into this life with nothing and leave the same way. Try not to worry unduly but enjoy the moment you are in, as soon it too will change. Love and light. Namaste
Golden Gllory

Thursday 12 June 2014

Silver Foxes.

We need to stop buying Women's Magazines that Promote wrinkle Creams, hair dyes, stick thin Models, shoes that make us look as if we are walking on stilts and the Idea that with ageing gracefully one becomes Invisible.
We need to start telling ourselves we are beautiful in our Natural state and that beauty also comes from within.
Those silver hairs (Or White Or grey) you are beginning to see they are amazing. The wrinkles beginning to appear are just a map of your Journey. You are a Goddess in your own right and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. So smile for the Camera and know that your Beauty relies on more than, Botox, dipping your head in the dye bottle or resorting to plastic surgery.
I gave up dyeing my hair aged 59 years, to ill to keep it up I soon had an inch of white at my part, I said to my beloved "How do you feel about having a Silver haired wife?"  He replied "Go for it" My lovely grandson said "Silver Rocks Nanny"
 I went for it. My wonderful hairdresser who had been telling me to embrace my white hair for years added some white streaks to soften the 'tide mark' :)  It took about 18 months to grow out and I kept it shortish until it did, I am now growing it, I am determined not to turn into a Clone of so many Women I see who think Grey hair must be short, No way I am going to flaunt it.
My only regret. I did not embrace my Silver sooner. I have now been white for 7 years and have had more comments on my hair even from strangers than I ever did when it was dyed. The condition of my hair is much better and it is thicker, so many of my friends still dyeing have scant hair, such a shame.
I have freed myself from the tyranny of the dye bottle and feel marvellous.
We also need to Dress 'Out Loud" I don't do Beige, not do I dress ' In clothes suitable" for my age, as i don't really know what that is I'm just a Young girl with wrinkles, so I wear purple, Hot pink, red, Coral, Orange etc... I'm a regular little bird of paradise.
Flaunt your selves my fellow Silver Foxes, we are in our Wisdom years the Young Women today need our brand of courage those of us who are Au Natural, to help them embrace their inner beauty and stop listening to inane advertisements and reading vacuous Women's Magazines, all aimed at filling the coffers of the beauty industry. We need to take a stand and age outrageously.
Go Girls !!!!! My motto... "Never be Invisible"
Namaste Goddesses

Beauty at any Age. My 96 year old Aunty Emily. Always gracious.

Two Silver Foxy Ladies, My Cousin Lorraine and I

My awesome Aunty Nancy she has always had the courage to be Au natural, she makes a statement

My beautiful Mum, Alfreda... Her Highness

Me in my 'In your Face' Leopard print coat.
Purple rocks

My Beloved says he never loses sight of me in crown as white hair glows :)
Bright is good


Wednesday 11 June 2014

Winters Fury

Winter is throwing its fury at us. The rain poured from a Stone coloured sky turning our shell and gravel paths into Rivers all rushing toward the lake. The Trees tossed their heads and bent their Limbs in crazy dance, the wind Howled around the house like a Banshee wailing for the dead, what a Mournful sound. The grey mist on the Lakes face hid the Mountain from view, we existed my Love and I in a Muffled world, Fire burning bright offering comfort, Music playing, sipping Tea, as the Storm pounded our haven. The Night was unsettled the moon hidden from our gaze, the rain pounded and the wind moaned.
Then Like Magic the Day dawned, sweet day so calm and cleansed, trees drooping sodden with rain the willows trailing their fingers in the lake providing shelter for the black swans and ducks, drifting peacefully in the green cave.A pink and Blue spreading sky and softly whispering wind. We venture forth lifting our faces to the sky watching with wonder a V of  swans heading for the lake and hear the splashing noisy landing, the Sun on our faces warming our Souls I think of pansies lifting their bright faces to the sun and long for Spring.
Then back to this day which is all we have with a grateful heart for all our blessings.
The pink and blue spreading sky

Rain sodden Branches bending low

Happy pansy Faces

Early snow drops

A cup of tea in the winter sunshine, Still we have a brave Hibiscus blooming

Huge Stormy Skies
A new Day dawns

One of Our small Pohutakawa Trees confused by the warmth flowering again while it stands in a storm created creek.

Monday 2 June 2014

Autumn in Auckland

I Love Auckland City any time, but in Autumn it is so lovely it takes my breath away. It’s officially still autumn here in the southern hemisphere, though the Winter equinox is on the 22nd. The days continue to be sunny and warm in Auckland. The Truth is that its difficult to tell what season it is, but for the trees being clothed in Glorious Autumnal shades of Gold, Russet and brown its hot enough to be still summer. We can not mark our seasons in Calendar months here in Auckland and Northland so mild is our weather. May can be a little chilly early mornings and some grey skies begin to come to the fore leading us into June and Matariki, the Maori New Year. this is around the winter solstice, marked by a constellation in the night sky that becomes visible telling us the Winter has arrived and will be with until the Spring equinox in mid-September and then we are back in warm weather, albeit unsettled and blustery.
I wander the Streets admiring the beauty of the fallen leaves, look up through the wonderful Nikau Palm branches at the cornflower blue of the sky and smell the Pacific Ocean at the bottom of the Street. I always think Auckland has similarities with San Francisco and Paris both Cities we Love. A melting pot of Cultures lots of energy and yet in true Kiwi fashion laid Back.
Time to wander into Smith and Caughey for some retail therapy and then perhaps Lunch at the Stables :)
Such a treaty day.