Saturday 14 June 2014

Cloud Stories

As I trundled around on our ancient lawn mower yesterday, I indulged myself in a favourite pastime, Cloud watching, I love clouds and don't mind who knows :) Yesterdays sky was a Constable sky, now I am no lover of Constables Art it's too 'Chocolate box' for me but if Monet (one of my favourite Artists) is "The painter of light" then Constable is 'The painter of Clouds' The sky was immense and azure, that intense purple blue, the clouds were mainly towering Cumulus with here and there some lazy wisps of Cirrus like little curls of hair. I was doing a lot of thinking as one does when doing mundane tasks, and watching the clouds,I always find getting lost in cloud gazing a form of meditation and immensely soothing. I suddenly had the fanciful thought that clouds exist as reminders of my philosophies of life. Clouds constantly changing and full of pictures remind me that the only constant is change and that each day is full of infinite possibilities due to change if we just have the courage to embrace the Changes. Clouds much like life have differing moods, Cumulus Towers white and abundant always lift my spirits, Nimbus rain bearing and threatening possible storms,Cirrus wispy and dreamlike and so on. A cloudless sky to me is boring as might life be were there no bumps in our journey.So when you next look at the clouds and watch their ever changing shapes remember nothing is permanent, if things are not going well "This too will pass" We come into this life with nothing and leave the same way. Try not to worry unduly but enjoy the moment you are in, as soon it too will change. Love and light. Namaste
Golden Gllory

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